What is the process of making honey?
Bees produce honey throughout the summer. Their colonies produce so much honey to ensure they have enough food to survive the cold winter months. In addition, honey provides the bees with energy to vibrate their bodies, generating heat that keeps the queen and the hive warm. Even more remarkable is that two tablespoons of the amber liquid would sustain a bee’s flight around the world.
Currency of Honey:
In the 11th century, honey was a valuable commodity for Germans. The lords of Germany used to force peasants to pay them for honey. The prized honey was highly sought after since it was the ideal sweetener for beer.
Honey has health benefits for your body:
Honey has been used in different ways, even for medicinal purposes, for centuries. Honey’s antibacterial properties make it useful for treating cuts, burns, infections, stomach ulcers, and more. Only honey has all the ingredients required to keep you alive. Water, vitamins, minerals, and enzymes give the body energy. Honey also contains pinocembrin, an antioxidant that improves human brain function. Honey has antioxidant levels similar to those found in apples, spinach, strawberries, and oranges.
Honey for allergy help in your area:
Seasonal allergies can be treated with honey. Locally produced honey can be used to build immunity to local plants that trigger allergies. You can build up immunity to pollen by consuming a teaspoon of honey every day before its season begins.
The nature of honey is to smooth:
Aside from its many medicinal benefits, honey is also a very popular ingredient in natural home remedies. Shampoos, conditioners, and lotions often contain honey. Honey is also popular as a natural remedy for soothing sore throats and quiet coughs, and many believe that it works better than any over-the-counter medicine.
Honey is respected by farmers:
Bee colonies produce up to three times more honey than they need to survive. As a result, beekeepers must leave enough honey for the settlement to survive the winter. A typical colony consists of 30,000 to 60,000 bees.
Honey has a long shelf life:
Nearly 130 million years ago, flowering plants appeared on Earth. Bees took several million years to arrive. Fossilized honeycombs date back three million years. Honey is in use by humans for thousands of years. A 15,000-year-old cave drawing from Spain shows a human removing honey from a hive.
Honey is the ONLY food that includes all the substances necessary to sustain life, including water.